Fingerlakes Family Session, Geneva NY

I haven’t blogged a family session in quite some time! So I thought I would share this mother & son family session. It’s darling. It was the absolutely perfect light and I love those cherry blossoms!2015-05-19_0001 2015-05-19_0002 2015-05-19_0003 2015-05-19_0004 2015-05-19_0005 2015-05-19_0006 2015-05-19_0007 2015-05-19_0008 2015-05-19_0009 2015-05-19_0010 2015-05-19_0011 2015-05-19_0012 2015-05-19_0013 2015-05-19_0014

CLOSE MENU .... .... ....